1300 Ton Heat Exchanger
Installing a plate heat exchanger at the East Chiller Plant was one of the most exciting and rewarding district cooling projects we have worked on.
The function this unit provides is significant as the district system has a large amount of winter time process cooling need. This unit delivered 45 degree chilled water from 52 degree condenser water through purely evaporative means. The unit has fantastic energy efficiency at very low temperatures.
The cooling towers were able to operate at below freezing conditions. This unit expanded the cooling window for "free cooling" via transfer of cooled water to the 2.8 M gallon thermal storage tank eliminating many hours of refrigerated cooling hours on the plant chillers.
Project scope in this plant also included Reverse Osmosis feedwater system to decrease water consumption, Enhanced/oversized condenser water tower systems to improve chiller and heat exchanger efficiency.

Large Tonnage Variable Drive Chillers
Chillers are sized and selected based on primary/secondary pumping design with overall 20+ temperature differential
Condenser water systems are purposely oversized to provide very low refrigerant termperature and chiller efficiency
Variable frequency drives allow chillers to be optimized to produce highest KW/ton
Flows are monitored with high accuracy to maintain consistent operation.
All chillers are configured identically
Service is regular and consistent to maintain N+1 redundancy at all times.

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In areas of really poor water where silica and hardness levels are high, the use of water in traditional cooling tower installations is substantial. Water can only be used twice in the tower before is must be thrown away. This drives the cost of chiller operation high due to wear and tear but also significant chemical usage. Through innovative use of reverse osmosis equipment and close management of media condition, we have been able to achieve 7 to 9 cycles of concentration in cooling towers in this plant rather than two which is typical. This resulted in 2.5 million gallons of water saved during the cooling season and dramatic reductions in chemical treatment.
New plant design with vertical shaft pumps rather than traditional base mounted units results in operations improvements in first cost due to smaller footprint, operating cost in pump efficiency, and maintenance cost in simplified removal for service. Pumps can be easily removed with a chain hoist and serviced without removal of any piping.