About us
We have significant experience in design, operations and project management of large and sophisticated systems. We have the unique background of performing our engineering efforts while also being employed by the owner of the organization-so we had to live with the results of our design work. We worked side by side with the maintenance and operations staff. We have a combined 57years of experience in our trades. There are very few systems we have not been a part of in the mechanical and electrical engineering fields. We offer our unique backgrounds as a benefit to you the facility owner/manager for solving problems and developing solutions where the expertise is hard to come by. Our time being plan reviewers and owners representatives to new construction on major facilities has the benefit of working through the issues associated with many of the latest HVAC, electrical system concepts-like VRF, chilled beams, lighting and occupancy control, metering and others. We look forward to working with you on your next project.
Our Team.

David Kimbrel, P.E.
Electrical Engineer
Kimbrel Consulting Services, LLC
100W A St. Troy, Idaho 83843
208 874 3357
Email: dave@kcsllc.org
Vince Lipari
Scott Creighton (F)PE
Alfred D. Sanchez III, PE SE
Nicolas Clyde, EIT
Associate Engineer in Training
Contact Information:
Phone: 208 669 1961